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Zany Magazine is now accepting submissions 


Deadline for the Spring Issue release is July 15th 2020 at 11:59 PM CST


All Art Mediums Accepted.



Submit up to 10 images

High quality JPEG

Create a new folder in Google Drive

Must include FULL CREDITS/Include social media tags

Send google drive link to



Please include title of piece

Can be anonymous but please include preferred name

Submit any length to



Include full credits/name of piece

Submit high quality scan to 


The theme for the Summer Issue of Zany Magazine is:

"The Faces of Quarantine"

We want to see your world view of life indoors as we protect those we love. 

Submit self portraits, photos of unmade beds, plants you cherish, coffee cups gone cold hours ago, art you've created while missing friends and family.

We want to hear your thoughts on the world today. Submit poetry, musings, illustrations. Tell us how COVID-19 has changed you. Submit a few sentences with your submissions so we can include them.

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